Will Your Business Be Obsolete Without Video?

Web video conversion

Yes, I will be the first to say it. Your business will become obsolete if you do not adapt and put video on your website and online.

Come back with me a few years. Why did you create a website? Because other businesses were using new technology to ‘get their name out there’, right? You didn’t want to be left behind. Why did you join Facebook? Everybody was doing it and you realized it’s not just hype to be on FB. Same for Twitter and LinkedIn.

You did these things because you probably saw other businesses doing it too and you didn’t want to be left behind.

When business owners first started putting their products and services onto websites, they had no idea what to do with it. Blogs were unheard of. In fact, people called them ‘diaries’. When I first heard the term blog, I couldn’t understand why anyone would post personal comments about their daily activities online. It just didn’t make sense.

Now, there are millions of blogs. Each one fighting for online space. When YouTube came on the scene less than six years ago, nobody could figure out how to get video from a camera and upload it online. Smart business owners tried to put their TV commercials onto YouTube thinking somebody must want to watch it. “Let’s just throw it up there and see what happens.” Wrong. Nobody wanted to watch TV commercials online.

In the ‘early days’ of online video, bandwidth was very expensive. Video file size was extremely limited. As technology evolved, uploading video became easier and video sharing sites started accepting larger and larger video files. Initially, YouTube couldn’t figure out how to monetize their videos. Well…along comes a little search engine company with a funky sounding name (Google) that buys a blossoming video sharing site called YouTube for over A BILLION DOLLARS!

Next thing you know, YouTube is the #2 search engine in the world and over 200 million videos are viewed daily.

So, lets go back to my original question: “Why did you create a website?”
To attract viewers and to show how your product or service is right for them. Yet there are now millions of websites online. How do you stand out from all of your competitors? How do you “show” your viewers that you’re different?

The answer is with video. Your online viewers expect you to have video. They want to see you. They want to hear you. They want to listen to what you have to say. Are you intelligent? Do you have a deep voice? Are you wearing nice clothes? What does your business look like?

The only true way to answer these questions is with video.

My prediction is that business owners who do not adapt to their consumers’ wants and desires will not only lose business to their competitors, but will become obsolete in a short time. Remember, potential consumers and customers searching for your product or service online will compare you to others online. If you don’t have information they want, in the media they want, they will go elsewhere. That’s a fact. You need to be on video today.

2 factors scream out from this:

1. Youtube is a primarily a search engine
2. Over 50% of web traffic is video

Your business really will be obsolete with creative use of video…

Talk to me!

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